30 Eylül 2013 Pazartesi

Newest Technology

It seems that Turkey is above the average of newest technology use.
However, do Turkish people use it purposefully? I personally do not agree.


An interesting video

2 yorum:

  1. Hi!

    Can you embed both media (the chart and the YouTube video)?

    I like the video, but I am not sure how it relates to your topic of effective use of technology in Turkey. Can you elaborate?

    Do you think GOOGLE Glasses will find a place as instructional technology in the classroom? What challenges would such technology pose to both us as teachers and to the education system in general?

    I dread to think what would happen if flying cars appeared in Cyprus! The roads are dangerous enough! Personally, that last bit of the clip looked a bit far-fetched.

  2. Hocam, I really liked your questions!.
    First, the video is not relevant with the use of technology in Turkey. Just an interesting technology video.
    Secondly, I absolutely agree that google glasses must & will find place in classrooms! Look at that features! http://www.google.com/glass/start/what-it-does/ As a student, I would really like to use this! Especially record what I see!
    The downsides might be, students might record undesired experiences in classroom and they might upload them as videos on youtube and the like.
    Hocam :) In order to establish such great system, we need to improve our fundemental first! When you go Turkey, you can easily realize that drivers do not show respect anyone ! In such culture, I don't think it can stand such technology. It is better for now that the cars are on land :) Please may the more poeple get improved, the technology gets improved too !
