27 Ekim 2013 Pazar


I would like to go item by item. This will be more clearer for me and the reader. To start with Analyze Learners: In my language courses, my all teachers wanted to introduce ourselves in details. I think by doing so, they aimed to learn our learning characteristics, our personal characteristics and so on. They did this both interviewing with us and made us write about ourselves in a paper so that they collect and learn about us. This was beneficial for both students and teacher because we feel relaxed when teacher did this because we knew he or she want to know us and will act/behave according to this. State Standards and Objectives: Again, my all teachers expalined us their expectations orally or written way. Thus, we knew what is waiting for us in the next weeks. We were preparing according to the lesson plan, we were obeying our teacher's rules. Letting students know the rules and objectives is crucial point here in order to have authority in class, in my opinion. Select Strategies, TEchnology, Media, and Materials: In this point, until I took Steve Hoca's lesson, I had a really poor experience about technological materials. The only think was used in the courses were CD Players, so that we can hear and repeat after the recordings. This was the only technological material we have used so far, except Steve Hoca's courses. We are living in 21st century and courses with only CD players are really poor for the learners. Teachers must be innovative, and must improve students' technological development. This was a missing part in my educational background. Utilize Technology, Media and Materials: I think I do not have enough knowledge about how to utilize technology and media.. It is limited with demonstrating videos and power points.. It is because we only experienced 3 courses with Steve Hoca. The rest were all full of textbooks!. This is also another point that we negatively effected. Require Learner Participation: Our teachers let us participate in effetively and efficiently in the courses. This developed our social interaction skills, helped us beat our nervousness and etc. A student's participation loads him or her with full of positive feelings and abilities. I feel lucky here beacuse my teachers let us and prepare the relax environment to participate. Evaluate and Revise: This was no more then examination. However, feedback, commenting on our studies and the like were done by our teachers. But the system required only examination.. This is bad because students mostly study according to the tests.

1 yorum:

  1. I think that you have made an interesting observation--we tend to teach as we were taught. That might be why many instructors prefer to use more traditional technologies (like a textbook), as this is more sympathetic to the way they learned. It is a difficult to strike the right balance...it is good to be comfortable with the way you teach and not get too far outside the 'comfort zone'. However, the danger is that one can unwittingly become complacent and fall back on tradition for convenience sake rather than pedagogical reasons. However, likewise it is not good to change radically for the sake of change. ;) The pedagogical ramifications are paramount.
