28 Ekim 2013 Pazartesi

" DDL " Task 2

I have tried smmry.com and wordle.net for a long text "cte319.pbworks.com/w/page/30720613/activity - introduction to ddl" For such long texts, wordle is very beneficial for interpreting the keywords, after, copy the texy and paste it to smmry.com and then reduce the number of sentence, then it will shorten the text. If the summary of the text will not satisfactory for the user then we can add some more keywords from the "settings" button, then it will be more beneficial for the users. My keywords matched with Wordle's. After, the summary from smmry satisfied me. I read the text before smmry and after reading the summary, i feel comfortable that I can trust them, smmry and wordle.

1 yorum:

  1. It is somehow comforting to have a computer reach the same conclusion as we do, isn't it? ;)
